This is a list of places that government jobs may be advertised - and many are also advertised in the same way as non-government jobs.
- Public Appointments Service (PAS)
Officially "the centralised provider of recruitment, assessment and selection services for the Civil Service, Local Authorities, the Health Service Executive, An Garda Síochána and other public bodies" - this website lists many, but certainly not not all, public-service jobs.
- City and county councils all list jobs on their own website: there is one attempt at a central website ( - but it only has jobs from a few local authorities.
- Education Posts - lists teaching and SNA roles from all counties
- Regional education and training boards - again, there is no central website for jobs in these bodies. You need to check each region separately.
- State Board memberships (board memberships for semi-state organisations)
- Health Services Recruitment - this is officially the central HSE (ie government medical service) jobs website.
- ActiveLink - produces a weekly bulletin of social care volunteering and paid work vacancies. Many of these jobs are government funded. People who work for them are often paid on government pay-scales - but are employed by charities / non-government-organisations etc, not the government.